Employer: Talbot County (MD) Public Schools
Title: Assistant Superintendent for Administrative and Support Services. Because Talbot County Public Schools is a relatively small school system, my position includes the oversight of Student Services, Human Resources, Transportation, and Plant Operations.
What is the most rewarding aspect of your work?
My role allows me to continue serving the students, families, and employees in our school community whether it involves student transportation, the physical plant where students learn, and/or the myriad of issues that Student Services handles every day. The Student Services Department includes Pupil Services Workers, Social Workers, School Health Professionals, and School Counselors. Through continued advocacy and support, we have been able to strengthen the department by adding the positions of a Mental Health Coordinator, a Dropout Prevention/Re-Engagement Specialist, a Behavior Specialist/Teacher Consultant, an Addiction Intervention Specialist, and a Family Navigator. All of the departments in the administrative and support services division work together to provide the best individual opportunities possible for our students.
What is the greatest benefit of being a NAPSA member?
Even when transitioning to a new position, I kept my NAPSA membership due to the wealth of information provided to its members. We all have the same goals: keeping abreast of the latest trends; learning from others who have faced similar challenges; and the availability of professional development opportunities. In addition to being able to tap in to the relevant state and national requirements and initiatives, NAPSA also takes us out of our local and state issues for a review of what is happening across the country. It is comforting on many levels to know that we are all facing similar challenges and have a resource such as NAPSA to assist us through networking as well as up to date information that directly impacts the way we design and structure our service delivery.