This summer, the American Diabetes Association provided general information to parents/guardians (referred to in the guide collectively as “parents”), school nurses and administrators, school staff, diabetes health care providers, and others about the use of continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) in the school setting to monitor a student’s blood glucose (blood sugar). The student’s individualized Diabetes Medical Management Plan (DMMP), developed and approved by the student’s diabetes health care provider or diabetes health care provider’s orders, contain directives for managing the student’s CGM at school and should be followed and implemented by the school.
The student’s individualized Section 504 Plan, Individualized Education Program (IEP), or other written accommodations plan, should be consistent with the DMMP/provider’s orders. Specific questions unique to individual students should be directed to the student’s diabetes health care provider. This document will be updated as new evidence-based research emerges and devices are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)—so readers are encouraged to check back frequently for updates..
To access the complete guidance document, click here.