NAPSA Sponsor Oasis Offers Exciting Opportunity for Schools: Get a FREE Spring Mental Health Pilot Program

Oasis understands the challenges that educational institutions face in supporting students' well-being and success. That's why they’re thrilled to introduce an exclusive offer to you. Get a FREE spring mental health pilot program when you sign up for the 2024-25 academic year. Oasis’s comprehensive package includes tools to mitigate risk…

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UCLA Center for MH in Schools & Student/Learning Support Provides Resources for Responding After Incidences of School Violence

The UCLA Center for MH in Schools & Student/Learning Support has provided resources for responding after school violence in response to requests from schools across the country. With few days left this school year, the focus at schools will be on supporting students, their families, and staff and enhancing safety…

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Schools Strive to Increase Attendance Rates with Non-punitive Strategies

School districts endeavoring to increase attendance rates are moving away from punitive approaches in favor of prevention and problem-solving strategies, attendance experts said in a recent webinar hosted by Attendance Works.  Some of those newer strategies include analyzing data to better target interventions, adjusting truancy policies and building strong parent-school relationships with…

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