AASA Survey Reveals Projected Impact on Pupil Services when 2024 ARP Deadline Arrives

As next year's deadline for American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds approaches, school districts must prepare for the impact. To that end, with roughly a year left before the September 2024 obligation deadline, The School Superintendents Association (AASA) launched its fourth American Rescue Plan (ARP) survey of school district leaders to…

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Schools Strive to Increase Attendance Rates with Non-punitive Strategies

School districts endeavoring to increase attendance rates are moving away from punitive approaches in favor of prevention and problem-solving strategies, attendance experts said in a recent webinar hosted by Attendance Works.  Some of those newer strategies include analyzing data to better target interventions, adjusting truancy policies and building strong parent-school relationships with…

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CMS Provides Toolkit for Schools Explaining the ‘Unwinding’ of Medicaid Services

It is estimated that 536,400 children have lost access to Medicaid and CHIP insurance since automatic renewals ended in April. As a result, a toolkit from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) titled Medicaid and CHIP Renewals: Reaching Children and Families in School-Based and Early Education and Care…

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Maryland School Districts Awarded $3M to Address Disproportionality in Special Ed.

The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) has announced that three Maryland school districts will receive about $1 million each to help address the overidentification of students of color who receive special education services. The funds will target overidentification of students of color who are classified as having intellectual and emotional…

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USDE Provides Resources for Schools to Assist Students in Addressing Disability-based Behaviors

The US Department of Education (USDE) shares information about resources that may be useful in supporting the needs of students with disabilities in particular, including tools for schools to assist students in addressing any disability-based behaviors that could otherwise interfere with their or other students' learning, or that could lead to…

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Medicaid School-Based Services (SBS) Technical Assistance Center (TAC) Provides Free Introductory Webinar

Thursday, August 17, 2023, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET Interested Pupil Services professionals are invited to join CMS and the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) on Thursday, August 17, 2023, at 3:00 to 4:00 PM ET for the first in a series of free webinars to assist State Medicaid…

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Virginia Special Ed. Lawsuit Dismissed

A federal judge has dismissed a class-action lawsuit against Virginia’s Fairfax County Public Schools and the Virginia Department of Education that claimed the district and state violated civil rights protections for students with disabilities and their families.  Specifically, the lawsuit said hearing officers presiding over disputes between districts and parents…

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US Senate Committee Agrees on FY2024 Bill to Boost Title I Funding, while the House Recommends an 80% Cut

On July 27, 2023, the Senate Appropriations Committee, in a 26-2 vote, agreed to a bipartisan FY2024 bill that provides the US Department of Education (USDE) with a $175 million increase for Title I-A grants and a $175 million increase for pre-K-12 special education state grants under the Individuals with…

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