Teacher Apprenticeship Programs are Flourishing Across the US: NAPSA Conference Speakers Led the Way

It’s been nearly two years since the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) approved the first registered teacher apprenticeship program between Tennessee’s Clarksville-Montgomery County School System and Austin Peay State University. In fact, at last month's 57th Annual NAPSA Conference our attendees were treated to a presentation by those who implemented…

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Research: Absenteeism a Major Problem, Use Appropriate Strategies to Address

According to research by EAB, an education consulting firm, to reduce chronic absenteeism school districts should use targeted and tailored approaches that focus on three populations — parents, teachers and secondary school students. Approaches should be based on empathy and clear communication about attendance expectations and the value of in-person learning. EAB…

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Sens. Casey, Romney Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Expand Early Childhood Education Training

On October 19, 2023, U.S. Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and Mitt Romney (R-UT) introduced legislation to prepare principals, superintendents, and other school leaders to facilitate high-quality early childhood education programs in school districts. The Creating Early Childhood Leaders Act would provide school leaders with the tools and training to support…

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Despite the Numbers, Difficulty Filling Sp Ed Jobs Persists During SY2023-24

Filling special education staffing positions continues to be very difficult task, including teaching and nonteaching (classroom aide) jobs. Although numbers nationwide show a smaller percentage of U.S. public schools reported feeling understaffed compared to the start of last school year, 45% versus 53%. In a ddition to the needs in…

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CDC Report Warns of Unpredictable Flu Season, Advises Schools on How to Prepare

According to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report, last school year’s influenza season was more severe for children and youth and also started earlier than most previous seasons. The report showed cases emerged in early October 2022 and peaked in late November and December. Rates of flu-related medical visits…

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