July 2024 – Jennifer Norman

What is the greatest benefit of being a NAPSA member? I'm not sure I can point to only one benefit of being a NAPSA member. While all interconnected, the information, networking, and professional development surpass expectations. NAPSA listens to its members and designs professional development that is student-centered based on what they hear is happening and needed in the field. It's truly the nuts and bolts of what we need to know when we need to know it. Sharing experiences with others around the country and taking back the tools acquired is invaluable. NAPSA is a fun group! I never miss a social! The best way to network with professionals!

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June 2024 – Kim Miles

What is the greatest benefit of being a NAPSA member? The professional networks created through NAPSA are powerful tools in the work we do every day. Being able to reference current and upcoming focus areas through the newsletter helps in planning and mapping our work. The opportunities to connect with others in districts similar to our own, as well as districts that are different, are open through NAPSA membership. Education and the areas within student services benefit from the sharing of ideas, the challenge of questions being raised, and the updates of critical information. I look forward to continuing to recognize and utilize the many professional network opportunities made available to me through my membership.

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April 2024 – Sophia Allmond

What is the greatest benefit of being a NAPSA member? The greatest benefit of being a NAPSA member is having access to professional colleagues who find joy amidst our challenging work. Since attending my first NAPSA conference in October 2017, I discovered the diverse range of responsibilities addressed under pupil services, which varies from state to state, and it is extremely beneficial to interact with other pupil services administrators and glean from their expertise.  The experiential knowledge from NAPSA members in the trenches, doing the work with smiles on their faces and purpose in their hearts, has been inspiring.  The early insight into proposed legislation and how the potential new regulations will affect our work with students and their families is invaluable.

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March 2024 – Becky Furbay

What is the greatest benefit of being a NAPSA member? Being a NAPSA member provides a network of people experiencing similar experiences as we all try to navigate our new world. Having the opportunity to communicate with other administrators from similar as well as different types of districts is invaluable. Given all that we have faced in the last several years and the impact on the educational landscape  now and in the future, it is nice to know we are not alone in the challenges we each face and that NAPSA is available to support the work we do everyday. NAPSA is a resource that provides professional development, resources, and support in the work we lead as pupil service administrators.

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February 2024 – Kelly A. Askew-Tucker

What is the greatest benefit of being a NAPSA member? Let’s face it, the position of Pupil Services/Educational Services is not for the faint at heart, and it’s not for the weary. Therefore, you must find your tribe. My first time attending the NAPSA Conference was in Pittsburgh, PA. in 2015. The pleasure of meeting other individuals across the United States, that share the same passion of providing equitable services for marginalized students, keep me afloat. The work we do can be a heavy lift, so I asked someone, how do they sustain their positive outlook, when it seems impossible to meet all the demands of this position. She said, “It’s my Pleasure” because it’s a calling to do this work, and it’s not about her, it’s about the students. That has stayed with me and reminds me that it’s not about me, it’s about our students and families. All that to say, it’s about the benefit of having a Tribe. People that share the same goal, the same challenges but keep the passion. I would be remised, if I didn’t mention the shared practices, updates on Legislative Proposals, as well as information and innovative ways to perform our jobs to better serve our community.

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January 2024 – Dr. Trevis Killen

What is the greatest benefit of being a NAPSA member? The greatest benefit of being a NAPSA member is professional learning. The NAPSA Conference includes diverse topics with best practices to support the whole child, which is helpful for me as a school district administrator working in a small rural school district. Undoubtedly, the monthly NAPSA newsletter is a stellar resource that keeps me on the vanguard about topics impacting the work of student services administrators.

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