March 2022 – Harry Morgan, III

What is the greatest benefit of being a NAPSA member? I am grateful that there is an organization such as NAPSA to have other pupil services professionals that can share experiences and provide support when facing similar challenges in public education. I firmly believe that this organization is currently and, in the future, will be a crucial piece in elevating the position nationally, but more importantly the organization can demonstrate and advocate why Pupil Services is so important to the success of a school division.

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February 2022 – Dana Martin

What is the greatest benefit of being a NAPSA member? The greatest benefit of being a NAPSA member is the collaboration between members. I have been able to attend OAPSA and NAPSA meetings and conferences, collaborating with colleagues and sharing ideas is the reason I want to belong to an organization. NAPSA allows for the sharing of ideas as well as presenting information that is beneficial to our roles in our districts.

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December 2021 – Garcia Dixon

What is the greatest benefit of being a NAPSA member? The greatest benefit of being a NAPSA member is the opportunity it gives to me in obtaining resources and training to share with my Student Services department. I particularly enjoyed the most recent NAPSA conference because it really focused on the current issues that students are experiencing during this pandemic, and how we as educators can provide trauma focused support and strategies to assist students in achieving academically during this challenging time.

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November 2021 – Dr. Nancy Turner

What is the greatest benefit of being a NAPSA member? As the recently hired and first Director of Mental Health for Rock Hill Schools, it is exciting to see that the 2021 NAPSA conference is specifically focused on Trauma, Resiliency and Support. As a NAPSA member, I am looking forward to the opportunity to learn about varied interventions, effective strategies, and implementation of innovative initiatives to support students’ academic, social, emotional, and physical needs. It is encouraging to know that NAPSA is committed to creating a world where all students can be provided appropriate supports, services, and programs to overcome their barriers to learning.

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September 2021 – Kim Stevens

What is the greatest benefit of being a NAPSA member? The greatest benefit of being a NAPSA member is having a network of amazing professionals with whom I can share issues and situations. I find it helpful to have colleagues who have similar as well as different experiences than my own in order to gain knowledge, expertise, and support. As a Pupil Services Administrator, we are often singletons in our school or district. Having a network of professionals to reach out to is an invaluable resource. I appreciate being a member of NAPSA!

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August 2021 – Jeanne Knouse

What is the greatest benefit of being a NAPSA member? By far, the greatest benefit of being part of NAPSA is having so much experience, knowledge, and expertise at your fingertips. Being able to share those tough situations that pupil services directors come across so often with other NAPSA members can save you so much time, energy, and anxiety. I have found that no matter how rare or crazy the situation is, someone has had the same experience, or something similar, and can provide you with direction or a path to move forward.

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June 2021 – Lynne Duncan

What is the greatest benefit of being a NAPSA member? Even when transitioning to a new position, I kept my NAPSA membership due to the wealth of information provided to its members. We all have the same goals: keeping abreast of the latest trends; learning from others who have faced similar challenges; and the availability of professional development opportunities. In addition to being able to tap in to the relevant state and national requirements and initiatives, NAPSA also takes us out of our local and state issues for a review of what is happening across the country. It is comforting on many levels to know that we are all facing similar challenges and have a resource such as NAPSA to assist us through networking as well as up to date information that directly impacts the way we design and structure our service delivery.

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