Employer: Charles County (MD) Public Schools
Title: Supervising Pupil Personnel Worker
What is the most rewarding aspect of your work?
The most rewarding aspect of my job is supervising a strong team of Pupil Personnel Workers that share the same passion that I possess; in wanting to do whatever is necessary to help students overcome any barriers that may possibly interfere with their overall academic success. It is rewarding to connect families to much needed resources such as food, clothing, holiday assistance, health and counseling services, to name a few. We care a great deal for our students and their families, and will implement and utilize various programs and strategies, such as mentoring groups, afterschool clubs, tutoring and partnerships with community organizations to provide support to students and their families.
What is the greatest benefit of being a NAPSA member?
The greatest benefit of being a NAPSA member is the opportunity it gives to me in obtaining resources and training to share with my Student Services department. I particularly enjoyed the most recent NAPSA conference because it really focused on the current issues that students are experiencing during this pandemic, and how we as educators can provide trauma focused support and strategies to assist students in achieving academically during this challenging time.