Employer: Richmond Heights (OH) Local Schools
Title: Director of Educational Services
What is the most rewarding aspect of your work?
My work touches every aspect of the school experience, and most people don’t know me or what I specifically do. I’m like the WIZ, behind the Green Curtain, so it’s not about me at all, it’s about the calling to do this work and the ability to provide equitable services to ALL students. Removing barriers, and inserting supports that propel them on their journey to becoming competitive in a global society in whatever they choose to do or become, once they leave the four square miles of Richmond Heights Local Schools.
What is the greatest benefit of being a NAPSA member?
Let’s face it, the position of Pupil Services/Educational Services is not for the faint at heart, and it’s not for the weary. Therefore, you must find your tribe.
My first time attending the NAPSA Conference was in Pittsburgh, PA. in 2015. The pleasure of meeting other individuals across the United States, that share the same passion of providing equitable services for marginalized students, keep me afloat. The work we do can be a heavy lift, so I asked someone, how do they sustain their positive outlook, when it seems impossible to meet all the demands of this position. She said, “It’s my Pleasure” because it’s a calling to do this work, and it’s not about her, it’s about the students.
That has stayed with me and reminds me that it’s not about me, it’s about our students and families. All that to say, it’s about the benefit of having a Tribe. People that share the same goal, the same challenges but keep the passion.
I would be remised, if I didn’t mention the shared practices, updates on Legislative Proposals, as well as information and innovative ways to perform our jobs to better serve our community.