The National Association of School Nurse’s (NASN) School Nursing Practice Framework™ (Framework) creates an overarching structure that includes concepts integral to the complex clinical specialty practice of school nursing. The Framework provides a graphic illustration of the key principles of professional school nursing practice, reflecting the organization’s stance for evidence-based best practice and providing focus to priority school nursing activities.The Framework is an invaluable tool for advancing the practice of school nursing and emphasizing the student-centered activities school nurses perform to support student health, safety, and readiness to learn.NASN believes it has a responsibility to its members and to the public it serves to develop, and routinely evaluate a framework for professional school nursing practice.
NOTE: NASN debuted the Framework in 2016. The original Framework was evaluated and updated to ensure its continued alignment with the education and healthcare landscape and re-released in 2024.
To access the framework, click here.